Jumat, 25 Juni 2010

A Dunkin' Donut Decorated Car

I salute to this product : DUNKIN' DONUTS, because they use this 'decorated car' to promote their products, even though their 'old' store have been removed for our "Surabaya" rail project at Ahmad Yani Street, Surabaya!

A Royal Blood Car

A promotional car for a cigarette products parked at my neighbourhood home!

A Internet Kiosk

A internet kiosk at our housing complex, a place where we can 'on-line'.

Jangan buang sampah

Sebuah peringatan supaya jangan membuang sampah sembarangan, kalau melanggar akan dihajar massa, tertulis di dinding dekat Gapura Merah, area Kepuh Permai, Sidoarjo.

(A warning for people not to put their trash at this area, if they don't want to be punished by member of this housing complex, written at an empty wall. Kepuh Permai Housing Komplex, Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia).

Senin, 21 Juni 2010

Stiker Bima Sakti

Stiker 63

Stiker 64

Doa untuk sahabatku

Tuhan, Engkau yang Agung dan Mulia,
Pencipta alam semesta dan manusia,
Dengarkanlah seruan doaku!

Engkau mengatakan di dalam firman-Mu
Yang tertulis di kitab suci,
Engkau dekat kepada orang-orang yang patah hati,
dan Engkau menyelamatkan orang-orang yang remuk jiwanya.

Dengarkanlah seruanku,
Aku mengeluh dan berseru,
Untuk seorang temanku
Yang jauh di seberang,
Di negara yang lain…

Dia telah menulis surat kepadaku
Menyatakan dirinya sudah patah hati,
Dan remuk jiwanya,
Akibat derita dan penyakit fisik
Juga penyakit batinnya,

Menjerit memohon pertolongan-Mu
Dia adalah orang yang patah hati,
Dia adalah orang yang remuk jiwanya,

Mari, Tuhanku yang perkasa,
Allah yang Maha Dahsyat
Datanglah ke dalam kehidupannya
Dan nyatakan kekuatan kuasa-Mu

Dekatilah hatinya, jamahlah hatinya
Kepadanya, berilah kekuatan jiwa
Kepadanya, berilah harapan baru,

Bahwa Engkau, Allah yang Perkasa
Yang nama-Nya disebut semua manusia
Bahwa Engkau, Allah yang Besar
Yang mampu melakukan segala perkara

Tidak ada yang tidak bisa Kau lakukan
Hanya kepada-Mu,
Aku dan dia berharap

Kami memohon belas kasih-Mu
Kami memohon pertolongan-Mu

Apapun yang terjadi pada kami,
Kami akan tetap memuji Engkau,
Kami akan tetap mengagungkan nama-Mu

Sebab, Engkau Agung
Engkau Mulia,

Duhai Allahku, Penyelamatku, Juru Selamatku!
Dahulu, sekarang dan selamanya! Amin!

Sidoarjo, Minggu dini hari, 13 Juni 2010
Mazmur 34:18 (34-19)

Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

Superman Snack

Today I found this SUPERMAN SNACK! I bought 3 of them, Rp. 500,- each!

Senin, 14 Juni 2010

Menyembah Tuhan

Menjawab pertanyaan di YAHOO ANSWER : Apakah orang Kristen pernah menyembah Tuhannya?
Anak-anak juga tau: Nyanyi2, puji-pujian dan puasa sama sekali bukan ritual penyembahan. Kesian, Tuhannya ada 3, tapi satu orangpun ga pernah disembah.

Jawabanku :

Kemarin sore, pulang kerja, saya naik angkot.

Sambil menunggu angkot itu mencari penumpang = saya menyembah Tuhan Yesus, berterima kasih untuk semua cinta kasih-Nya, janji-janji-Nya bahwa Dia menyertai saya sampai akhir jaman.

Bemo / angkot berjalan : Saya kembali menyembah Tuhan Yesus Kristus (3 sekaligus), mengingat kebaikan-Nya yang dilakukan seumur hidup saya, dari saya lahir, kecil, anak-anak, remaja, menikah dan sekarang anak saya masuk SMA.

Sesampai dekat rumah, saya berjalan kaki di gang menuju rumah, sambil memuji-muji nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus.... melalui lagu-lagu yang saya kenal (ada ratusan lagu rohani). Hati tenteram, damai sejahtera.

Sampai di rumah, saya bercerita (share) dengan istri dan anak. Sesudah mandi, saya ambil gitar, kami menyanyi 3 atau 4 lagu-lagu rohani, yang tujuannya memuji dan menyembah Tuhan Yesus Kristus.

Sambil mengetik jawaban ini, MP3 lagu-lagu Rohani yang kami dengar di kantor ini : "Yesus, nama Yesus, Pujilah Dia, kasih-Nya kepada saya sampai selama-lamanya... "

Tuhan Yesus Kristus (3 lengkap) memberkati Anda! (di dunia nyata - bukan di internet saja).

Jumat, 11 Juni 2010

Snacks and Snacking by: Catherine Saxelby

Size matters

Most popular snacks today are more than a quick bite - they're a mini-meal with too many kilojoules and too much fat and sugar (like doughnuts, muffins, chocolate bars and biscuits) or fat and salt (potato crisps, pizza, fries or savoury crackers).

Take doughnuts. At 20 grams of fat and over 2000 kilojoules (500 calories), 2 cinnamon doughnuts pile on one-third of the day's recommended intake of fat and kilojoules for the average sedentary woman.

And most of that fat is the 'bad' saturated fat, the type that clogs arteries and thickens your waistline. A large Danish pastry or a bucket of hot chips does the same.

Snacking's not bad

Snacking itself is not all bad. Snacks can be helpful to spread the total intake over a day, particularly for 3 groups:

1. Children, with their small stomach capacity, eat better with snacks and research bears this out - some 80 to 90 per cent of children snack between meals. If your child can't sit still for long enough to eat a full dinner, small snacks keep them topped up - as long as they're nutritious. So a tub of yoghurt tops up their calcium, a mandarin tops up their vitamin C and so on.

2. People with diabetes can keep their blood sugar steady if they spread their 'food load' into five or six smallish meals. They may start with cereal and fruit, then at 10.30am snack on a slice of toast with cheese, then have a sandwich at 1pm, a nut bar in the afternoon and so on.

3. Dieters can burn more fat and shrink their stomach size by switching to five or six mini-meals with snacks. The theory is that your stomach gets used to feeling full after a modest portion - not a huge one.

Choice magazine on snacks

When Choice magazine surveyed around 100 lunch snacks for kids in 2005, they found that only one in four could be called "nutritious". They set four criteria for snacks to be classified as "healthy" which you can use as a guide to judge a muesli bar, muffin or cracker biscuit snack that claims to be "good for you". They had to have less than:

• 600 kilojoules (150 calories)

• 5 g saturated fat

• 15 g of sugar

• 200mg of sodium.

Healthy snack guide

Here are some suggestions for healthy snacks. Print it out and post it on the fridge to remind yourself of your choice without losing out on nutrition.


• Fresh fruit (pack grapes, rockmelon cubes or cherries into small plastic containers)

• Canned fruit

• Fruit snack packs such as those packed in clear plastic

• Sultana boxes

• Dried fruit and nut packs (not for kids under three due to the risk of choking)

• Frozen orange quarters or frozen grapes.

Dairy foods

• Yoghurt - fruit, plain or frozen

• Cheese wedge or slice, plain or with vita-weet, water crackers or crispbread

• Cheese on toast

• Banana or berry smoothie.


• Handful (30-50g) of mixed nuts, preferably unsalted

• Nut and dried fruit trail mix

• Nut bars (like a muesli bar but look for one made up mainly of nuts, rather than cereal).


• Fresh bread spread with peanut butter, honey or jam

• Toasted muffin with cheese

• Crumpet

• Raisin loaf

• Crackers spread with peanut butter or cream cheese.


• Bowl of cereal with milk and banana (great for hungry teens)

• Mini-wheats eaten dry as a snack

• Cereal bar or cereal-nut bar.
About The Author

Catherine Saxelby is a dietician and nutritionist who writes articles on health and well being for Australian health insurance provider ahm. She regularly provides healthy eating and nutrition advice for people looking for health insurance and health cover.To know more about,visit our site www.ahm.com.au/

The author invites you to visit: http://www.ahm.com.au

Article Source:

Copyright © 2001-2099 - Icthus.Net Communications

Snacks and Snacking by: Catherine Saxelby

Size matters

Most popular snacks today are more than a quick bite - they're a mini-meal with too many kilojoules and too much fat and sugar (like doughnuts, muffins, chocolate bars and biscuits) or fat and salt (potato crisps, pizza, fries or savoury crackers).

Take doughnuts. At 20 grams of fat and over 2000 kilojoules (500 calories), 2 cinnamon doughnuts pile on one-third of the day's recommended intake of fat and kilojoules for the average sedentary woman.

And most of that fat is the 'bad' saturated fat, the type that clogs arteries and thickens your waistline. A large Danish pastry or a bucket of hot chips does the same.

Snacking's not bad

Snacking itself is not all bad. Snacks can be helpful to spread the total intake over a day, particularly for 3 groups:

1. Children, with their small stomach capacity, eat better with snacks and research bears this out - some 80 to 90 per cent of children snack between meals. If your child can't sit still for long enough to eat a full dinner, small snacks keep them topped up - as long as they're nutritious. So a tub of yoghurt tops up their calcium, a mandarin tops up their vitamin C and so on.

2. People with diabetes can keep their blood sugar steady if they spread their 'food load' into five or six smallish meals. They may start with cereal and fruit, then at 10.30am snack on a slice of toast with cheese, then have a sandwich at 1pm, a nut bar in the afternoon and so on.

3. Dieters can burn more fat and shrink their stomach size by switching to five or six mini-meals with snacks. The theory is that your stomach gets used to feeling full after a modest portion - not a huge one.

Choice magazine on snacks

When Choice magazine surveyed around 100 lunch snacks for kids in 2005, they found that only one in four could be called "nutritious". They set four criteria for snacks to be classified as "healthy" which you can use as a guide to judge a muesli bar, muffin or cracker biscuit snack that claims to be "good for you". They had to have less than:

• 600 kilojoules (150 calories)

• 5 g saturated fat

• 15 g of sugar

• 200mg of sodium.

Healthy snack guide

Here are some suggestions for healthy snacks. Print it out and post it on the fridge to remind yourself of your choice without losing out on nutrition.


• Fresh fruit (pack grapes, rockmelon cubes or cherries into small plastic containers)

• Canned fruit

• Fruit snack packs such as those packed in clear plastic

• Sultana boxes

• Dried fruit and nut packs (not for kids under three due to the risk of choking)

• Frozen orange quarters or frozen grapes.

Dairy foods

• Yoghurt - fruit, plain or frozen

• Cheese wedge or slice, plain or with vita-weet, water crackers or crispbread

• Cheese on toast

• Banana or berry smoothie.


• Handful (30-50g) of mixed nuts, preferably unsalted

• Nut and dried fruit trail mix

• Nut bars (like a muesli bar but look for one made up mainly of nuts, rather than cereal).


• Fresh bread spread with peanut butter, honey or jam

• Toasted muffin with cheese

• Crumpet

• Raisin loaf

• Crackers spread with peanut butter or cream cheese.


• Bowl of cereal with milk and banana (great for hungry teens)

• Mini-wheats eaten dry as a snack

• Cereal bar or cereal-nut bar.
About The Author

Catherine Saxelby is a dietician and nutritionist who writes articles on health and well being for Australian health insurance provider ahm. She regularly provides healthy eating and nutrition advice for people looking for health insurance and health cover.To know more about,visit our site www.ahm.com.au/

The author invites you to visit: http://www.ahm.com.au

Article Source:

Copyright © 2001-2099 - Icthus.Net Communications

French Doors for Elegance & Style by: Chris Coxon

French doors are a truly unique way to link the interior with the exterior of your home and make it look bigger and brighter. Particularly eye-catching they can be added to a room leading out onto the back garden thus giving the family more space, or to a conservatory allowing sunlight to flood in and the warm breeze to flow through the house.

Attractive styles can be found to fit in with all types of homes, whether you live in a period property, a modern new home, or a countryside cottage, they add a classic touch to a house and make it stand out from others similar in style. You can get matching windows and other exterior doors to complete the look of your home.

Patio doors mean you can still admire the views of the garden even when the weather isn't good, or in the warmer months open them wide and use the patio as an extra room. Your doors need to combine security, ease of use, allow maximum light into the home and enable you to have good views, choose UPVC over other materials as they are reasonably priced and will last for a very long time.

Security is paramount when getting French doors as they are generally placed at the back of the house. UPVC offers solid frames with high security hinges and multi point locking systems. Locking handles are usually fitted as standard and fit restrictor hinges are also available which prevent damage to the doors in case of being blown open by strong winds or thrown open by energetic kids. An external or internal double glazed UPVC French door is supplied and fitted with toughened double glazed, energy saving safety glass which prevents the glass from shattering in the event of an accident.

Patio doors come in two varieties, sliding and hinged. The sliding option give you the best view as they open the space wide as the individual panels slide back and fro on hidden rollers. You can even opt for a combination of sliding and fixed panels. Hinged patio doors work in the same way as standard entry doors and swing inwards or outwards. You can find an extensive range of glazing options from fully panelled, to half-glazed or fully glazed in white, grey, cream, and wood finishes of Golden Oak, Rosewood and Mahogany, and many more.

If you are looking at new doors for your home do some research online before making any major decisions. The outlay, although worth the money, is considerable and as they are going to last you a lifetime you want to have a style that suits your home and you'll enjoy looking at every day. There are heaps of internet companies who can advice you and send out information on interior and exterior front doors, and PVCU windows. Some companies will even customize a door if you have a particular look you want to achieve.

The back garden area is always a particularly vulnerable spot as any intruders are more likely to heads here first as it provides more cover. Traditionally back doors had a reputation for being relatively easy to open, homeowners tend to neglect fitting secure and strong locks and bolts and as they are often at least half-glazed they are an easy way in. Tools and other gardening equipment left lying around also gives them help. UPVC doors are fitted with fully locking systems, as well as being edged with aluminium and toughened glass used in any glazing for safety reasons as well as security, which means they are very difficult to get through.

A UPVC French door is a great option for the back garden, providing a wide and practical access into your home, they give a classic, elegant look and maximum ventilation letting in lots of fresh air and sunshine. Available in a range of sizes, colours and finishes to suit any style of home, they are an affordable option and allow you to relax in privacy and peace.
About The Author

Chris Coxon writes articles for Eurocell, a PVC manufacturer of distinctive and secure French doors. Their range of UPVC French door systems is the perfect complement to their pvcu windows systems, with various colours and finishes to suit any homes.

The author invites you to visit: http://www.eurocell.co.uk

Article Source:

Copyright © 2001-2099 - Icthus.Net Communications

World Cup 2010

Hari-hari ini seluruh dunia menyaksikan pertandingan bola di WORLD CUP 2010.

Temukan situsnya di sini.

A Sticker Seller

Seorang penjual stiker sedang melayani pelanggannya. Ada ratusan stiker dipajang, dan dia juga menerima pesanan khusus untuk menghias body sepeda motor.

(A Sticker Seller servicing his customer. He sells hundreds of stickers and also capable to give a special order to give a motor cycle decoration).

Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

Senin, 07 Juni 2010

Ngunut - di Wikipedia

Ini link di WIKIPEDIA tentang kecamatan Ngunut, Tulungagung.

Desa Ngunut di forum internet

Temukan foto-foto kota Ngunut di forum yang membahas tentang KOTA KECAMATAN

Kuambil tanpa ijin :
Temukan foto-foto kota Ngunut di forum yang membahas tentang KOTA KECAMATAN

Kuambil tanpa ijin :

My Fantasy ScrapBook Number 12

I've scan some pages from my '12th Fantasy Pictures Scrapbook' and put them at PHOTOBUCKET.

Minggu, 06 Juni 2010

Ajarilah aku mengulurkan tangan

Jika seorang hamba Tuhan dia sanggup menolong Anda. Tetapi, dia meminta orang lain untuk melakukan tugasnya, apa yang harus kita lakukan?

Tetapi Engkau telah memberiku contoh
teladan yang indah,
saat Engkau membasuh kaki murid-murid-Mu

Itulah yang harus kulakukan saat ini.

Semuanya hanya untuk memuliakan nama-Mu, Yesus.

Kamis, 03 Juni 2010

My Fantasy ScrapBook Number 7

I put my fantasy pictures collection from 'Book number 7', at PHOTOBUCKET.

Gendeng = Generasi dengan Gadget

Kemarin sore, pulang kerja, di bemo (mikrolet) lyn X jurusan pasar Gedongan, aku melihat seorang nona / gadis dengan kegiatan sbb :

1. Dia minum air AQUA BOTOL di depan banyak penumpang lainnya. Hal ini sebenarnya hak semua penumpang, tapi kalau saya pribadi - hmmm tidak sopan sih, harus menjaga perasaan orang. Tapi jaman sekarang khan 'cuek' aja? Makan, minum, dst di angkot.

2. Kemudian dia mengeluarkan NOKIA N-GAGE, yang bisa digunakan main game. Beberapa menit dia main game atau sms... saya gak tahu.

3. Terakhir, dia lakukan ini sampai tujuan : Buka sebuah NOVEL / BUKU dan membacanya!

hebat, salut....

Aku SMS Sammy di rumah dan 'melaporkan' kejadian itu. Responnya Sammy : CK CK CK CK...

Kubilang dia : GENDENG = Generasi Dengan GADGET!
Kutambah = EDAN - Evolusi Dna Akibat Narkoba?

Jawab Sammy : Jadi MUTAN
Kubalas : MU TAN = Muka Setan...

ya, menggagumkan bukan, melihat mereka punya semangat spt itu?

Energy "drinks not good for young teens: study

Energy "shots" and energy drinks which contain high levels of caffeine are not suitable for children, young teenagers, pregnant women and people sensitive to caffeine, food safety officials say.

The New Zealand Food Safety Authority (NZFSA) today underscored its existing advisory on caffeine, after commissioning a new risk profile.

It warns that when consumed in high doses caffeine can lead to irritability, anxiety, tremors, dizziness and insomnia.

Read more at ODT.

A Coffe Creamer for KOPI SINGA