Rabu, 03 Desember 2008

People Try Everything To Get Perfect Hot Coffee by Charles Etungen

Coffee! This popular beverage is available in numerous flavors and fashions. Coffee is made by saturating ground-up dried beans in piping hot water. In spite of the Herculean efforts by countless companies for many drinks of diverse temperatures, hot coffee remains the number one choice of most drinkers for all main meal times during the day, and while driving in their vehicle. This hot beverage appears to be the most popular beverage in the world. Some folks take some amazing steps to make certain that their beverage is just right. Given the excitement over iced coffee, the majority of coffee lovers demand hot coffee. Surprisingly there are a few menus where chilled mugs with iced coffee has made a restaurant showing.

However, the overall population of coffee lovers drinks it at 160-degrees. There are numerous coffee products on the market, which enable you to coax the best flavor out of coffee grounds. People try everything to get perfect hot coffee, from buying home roasters and graters to complex systems.

Many enthusiasts insist that the degree temperature of the coffee must just reach boiling point is at 212 degrees F. At this point, the water will soak the grounds over a specified time. This will bring the coffee to optimal flavor. For some others, the actual creation of the coffee matters more than the actual imbibing of the beverage. A few of these aficionados prefer to change the flavor of the coffee with whitener and sweetener. To them how the coffee tastes from the pot is irrelevant.

There are companies out there inventing an auto-stirring unit for your hot beverage. This will help those of you who especially require the addition of extra condiments such as cream or sugar. If you Google the words 'coffee cup stir' on the Internet you'll find many units being described and offered for sale, some from big name manufacturers.

Danger Lurks In a Cup of Hot Beverage Some people have discovered difficult lessons regarding the dangers of steaming coffee. It is true that the liquid is likely not boiling as they try to drink it, yet the temperature may be hot enough to hurt your lips or skin. Don't try to swallow the hot coffee, because it's still very hot. Numerous folks certainly appreciate the taste of a hot coffee but will (for some reason) drop in an ice cube to bring the temperature down to palatable feel taking a drink. Countless others favor letting their hot beverage cool physically as they gently sip.

Reducing the hotness of the coffee in the cup is the most certain way to be able to gently drink the hot beverage. This can be done by letting it sit. Cups or mugs with wider mouths chill the coffee faster due to a great exposed to air. Mugs with narrower mouths take longer to chill the coffee for the opposite reason.

About the Author

The free-lance writer Charles Etungen is really interested in areas dealing with home espresso machines. You can find his observations on how to make expresso at various other sources for how to make expresso

taken from : http://www.goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=1231541


A few days ago I found a brand new "powder coffee" with BOZZ title.

Jumat, 28 November 2008

People Searches by Barry Marcum

Everyone has that person or persons on their list they would like to find. Whether it is a missing family member or someone that has skipped out on a bill or two, having a reliable place to search to find people, their names, cell phone numbers and addresses, either missing people or lost loved ones is crucial! With the information highway (the internet) being the search monster that it is, there are new detective type online people finder and people search program services for you to be able to find and locate a person, search for people or even investigate someone. These online services allow you to perform online people searches easily from the comfort of your home. To find information about anyone, find a person and locate lost family members that have been unavailable to investigate by the public in private records for decades.

These people / people finder online detective and internet lookup services also benefit people who are in the process of divorce, if you are trying to collect for child support or if you need to locate public records, court records, police, marriage and vital records such as birth, death and marriage. Whether someone is trying to find a long lost friend, classmate, roommate or trying to collect a debt. Then online people lookup and people searches is the detective solution you need! With the people finder services provided by many of the web sites you can perform a detective level, do-it-yourself record search, cell phone lookup and reverse or unlisted phone number lookup and you'll have all the information to become a PRO at people searching and people finding on the net! These sites offer interactive net connections to databases that are maintained and updated, giving you the best people information reporting tools and public record reports available to anyone today! Many of these online people finding and people search services are used by over 50,000 top private investigators, law firms, police departments, businesses and individuals all over the world! These are the powerful search and resource tools they use that are brought to your computer just for your private people searches! And it is legal!

If you go to any popular search engine and type in "Find People" you will see several HUNDRED relevant services to your search request. You will find thousands of the people searching web sites and some that make some great promises and unrealistic claims. How can you be sure that the service you choose is reliable? With all the identity theft and fraud today, it is critical to know what you are facing. How can you know the best people finding and searching service for you? Be sure to use the best people search website on the web!


About the Author
Barry Marcum article marketing the website bullittbackgroundchecks.com

Aku juga mantan murid - Begin!

Hari ini, aku gak sengaja 'kesasar' ke situs yang menampilkan banyak isian dari para siswa-siswi sekolah SMU. Trus, langsung inget ini memory, aku pun dulu juga pernah sekolah di SMPP TULUNGAGUNG, JAWA TIMUR. Beberapa tahun silam, kami pernah reuni yang ke 20 tahun. Banyak teman2 yang udah sukses, 'jadi orang' tapi juga ada yang 'belum jadi' he he he... maksudnya apa? Ya belum sukses, gitu.

Trus ini hati (ceile) tergerak ingin mengkontak itu nama-nama yang ada di situs http://www.slta.net/index.html dan pengin cari tahu, di mana engkau berada, dan bagaimana kondisi dirimu sekarang. Sebab aku lihat, ada yang isi disitu tahun 2008, tapi ada juga yang input tahun 2000. Jelas sudah lama tidak ada jejaknya, jika kita cari mungkin sulit.

Nah, blog ini aku buat, dengan misi mencoba mengkontak mereka yang kebetulan punya e-mail, dan kulaporkan di blog ini.

Soal namanya, ya bingung juga tadi mikirnya. "Pelita Bangsa" ? "Harapan pemuda"? "Indonesia Baru" ? koq ketinggian namanya.

Akhirnya ya ini deh : MANTAN MURID.

Gampang diingat.


Kamis, 20 November 2008

Giant Robots Are Trashing the City - Mecha Anime by Virgilio Vallecera

When you're watching Japanese animation, it's not unusual for you to notice the giant robots in these series that walk around, do battle with large guns and missiles, destroying everything for miles around? If you have, then what you just watched was definitely mecha anime! By now, much of the under-30 crowd has seen much of the great mecha anime, especially with the rise of the Voltes V and Gundam Wing generations. But what is the mecha genre exactly?

Actually the term 'mecha anime' is a term not popularly used in Japan and is used primarily by fans of the genre around the world. The mecha anime is an anime in which the plot is centered around a robot, usually 20 feet tall or more, outfitted with a variety of weapons, and is usually manned and piloted by the protagonist of the story (and probably by its antagonist and other characters as well).

The size of the robots usually range from the height of a tank (Eureka Seven) to the size of a small building (Gundam, Escaflowne), a tall skyscraper (Space Runaway Ideon), an entire city (Macross), an entire planet (Transformers) and even large galaxies on rare occasions (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann).

The genre started with Mitsuteru Yokoyama's 1956 manga 'Tetsujin 28-go', whose anime version, 'Gigantor' was released in 1963, although the inclusion of this anime is usually debated by experts because the machine was controlled by remote instead of from a cockpit within the robot. The author, Go Nagai, made one of the most memorable creation, the first popular Super Robot anime series: Mazinger Z. This started the revolution that culminates in the growth of mecha anime to this day.

About the Author

I am making anime site like http://www.wallpapers008.info and business http://www.mainglobe.com

Taken from : http://www.goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=1087774

Senin, 10 November 2008

Finding Rare and Collectible Coins by PJ Germain

Coin collecting was started only as a hobby for most people, however you can hear what other people say (or you probably have heard yourself) about news of people cashing in on their old coin; and that encouraged more people to go on a coin-collecting streak. If you are one of those people who want to invest in coins, here are several places to start your collection.

Coin Shops:

Many shop owners are dealers that know a lot of information about coins and are selling coins too. These coin shops are a valuable place to find and gain more information about coins and coin collecting. These coin shops can be costly, though, as they are anticipating selling their coins for a profit. With enough knowledge and/or having someone who know a great deal about coin collecting at your side, you can get great prices for your coins.

Coin Shows:

There are times when your local mall will have an exhibit from several coin dealers and that will let you see all of the collections and allow you to buy some coins for a lower price due to the competition. You will probably also see several new coins that are available and suitable for your collection.

These coins shows are great not only for sellers and buyers but also for coin enthusiasts who want to see rare and hard to find coins.

Mail Orders/Web Sites:

There are thousands of dealers worldwide and most of them have websites that allow buy coins and pay for them through mail order or through any online payment system such as Paypal. You should do your research on these companies and read their terms carefully to make sure that you can get your money back when you have a problem with the coin you purchased and/or received.

For every legitimate web site, there are may be hundreds of fake web sites that are just attempting to get your money. You should always ask for feedback from previous customers before paying anybody online and remember not to give out any password or pin numbers.

Flea Markets:

It would be surprising place to find rare coins at a flea market, but stranger things have happened. These places have different ideas about pricing which is due to their lack of understanding of how a coin should be priced. You will find overpriced coins but if you are lucky you might find a rare coin somewhere in those stacks of coins that will make it worth your while.

Flea markets sellers are usually looking for a quick sell and would probably give you discounts when you buy their items in bulk. Try to buy other items and get your coins added as a bonus.


If you are looking to invest in really, really rare coins, the best place to go would be an auction. Auctions are the only place where you can find people selling their rarest and most expensive coins. Several of these auctions are happening online at the same time and most of the sellers are looking for the highest bidders. You must be aware and warned that some of these sellers are frauds and will not make the price you pay worthwhile. You should try to learn more about these coins and their worth before trying to buy one from an online auction.

Other Coin Collectors:

Coin collectors usually have duplicate coins that they are willing to sell for a price lower than its market value. The only problem is it is hard to find another coin collector that collects the same coins as you. The best places to look are online groups, forums and (if you have one) local groups.

Other coin collectors are the best people to turn into when you want to start your own collection. They can offer you tips, discounts and some might even be tempted to give you some of their coins to kick-start your collection.

About the Author

PJ Germain

Taken from : http://www.goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=1213998

Arthritis Products: Choosing The Ones That Work by Flor Serquina

Arthritis is a painful condition affecting the joints and in advanced stages, it can even cause limb deformities. It is a chronic condition that needs to be diagnosed properly in order for it to be treated efficiently. If you suspect you have arthritis, do not try to use any product without first consulting your doctor. Not all pain located in the joints are related to arthritis and it's important to rule out any other medical conditions before the appropriate medication or therapy is prescribed.

Common Products Used to Treat Arthritis

Arthritis products commonly address three problems associated with the disease: pain, inflammation and mobility problems. The arthritis product or medication that will be prescribed to you will depend on the type of arthritis you have, the frequency and severity of the pain and other conditions such as your age, lifestyle and medical history.

Some of the most common products used to treat arthritis include drugs and medications. These are used to manage arthritis pain and inflammation and helps in promoting mobility and tissue repair. Some of these products are available over-the-counter while others may need a prescription due to stronger dosage or associated side effects.

These products include: analgesics, tTopical pain relievers, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs), glucocorticoids, biologic response modifiers (BRMs), salicylates, anti-depressants, tranquilizers, nerve blockers, muscle relaxants and narcotics.


Two of the most popularly used supplements for arthritis are glucosamine and chondroitin, which naturally occur in the joint tissues. As supplements, these products have been in use for many years. If you're considering using them, ask your doctor for advice and recommendation.

Another popular arthritis product is in the form of dietary supplements, often marketed as "special" diets using tablets, drinks or a diet program. While the supporting premise about a balanced diet in order to manage weight and ease arthritic pain may be valid enough, there is no such thing as a single diet that will prevent or "cure" arthritis. Unlike gout, arthritis is not caused directly by food. If you must use a diet, do so on your own in order to shed excess weight and go easy on your joints.

Arthritis Products You Should Avoid

There are many well-documented arthritis products that have proven to be effective in the treatment of arthritis symptoms but there are also some products that are a complete waste of money and effort. They come in all forms - tablets, pills, powder drinks, electronic massagers, ointments, even jewelry, all offering a miracle "cure". Unfortunately, many of these arthritis products are unproven, some are unsafe and many more completely built on false claims.

If you are considering using an arthritis product you've never heard of before, always proceed with prudence and use common sense. Many of these products are cleverly marketed, masking side effects and exaggerating claims. Remember that completely worthless arthritis products are marketed to attract patients who are desperate enough to be willing to believe anything. When symptoms are especially bad, this is often the time when you're most vulnerable.

Watch out for products that are not supported by scientific proof or controlled clinical studies. If there are studies involved, they should have been conducted by an unbiased third party. As a consumer, you should also be informed of what kind of ingredients are used in the product or if it is a gadget, how exactly it's supposed to work against arthritis.

If they are untested or if testimonials are the only anecdotal proof the manufacturers can provide, it may be better for you to stay clear of these products. If you must hope, do so realistically and protect yourself at all times.

Taking Arthritis Products Seriously

Treating arthritis is serious business so it's important that you follow the recommended doses of any product that may be prescribed to you. Doubling the dosage may seem the practical thing to do especially when symptoms are severe but this may only worsen your condition. Certain arthritis products such as drugs, for example, have unpleasant side effects and often need to be controlled and monitored. Remember that arthritis products exist in order to give you relief from symptoms, not to worsen or do nothing for your condition.

About the Author

Visit Arthritis-Education.com for useful information and resources about arthritis product, causes of rheumatoid arthritis and what is rheumatoid arthritis.

Taken from : http://www.goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=663295

Travelling With Suit and Tie by Hendrik Pohl

Weather you are a frequent business traveler, or are going on business trip that requires you to bring a suit and tie for the first time, below are some helpful tips that will help you protect your expensive suits and ties.

1. The right way to pack:

Packing your business clothes the right way isn't an easy task. How can you prevent wrinkles in your suit, dress shirts, and ties, and still manage to pack everything in a tiny carry-on bag? Be realistic with what you need on your trip. If you are going on a business trip abroad for a two-week time period, you might want to think about checking your bag instead. The key to prevent wrinkles in your suit and dress shirts is by not overstuffing your suitcase. Also, create a cushion for your most delicate clothes such as suit, dress shirts, and ties. This will help you prevent wrinkles. Especially tricky are dress shoes. Keep them as far away from your garment as possible. Some carry-on bags have a second pocket especially designed to store your shoes.

2. Garment Bags

The best way to prevent wrinkles in suits and dress shirts is by hanging them straight in a garment bag, that you are carrying with you separately. This is especially recommended if you are going straight from the airplane to the event. If you do have time before wearing your suit and tie, and if you are staying in a hotel, it is less critical. Chances are the hotel offers a dry-cleaning service. Before leaving your clothes at the Hotel's drycleaner, make sure to check on their turn-around time. If there isn't enough time, try the following trick: Hang your suit and shirt in the bathroom while taking a hot shower. The steam of the shower will help straighten out the fabric. If this still doesn't work, look for an iron. Most hotels have irons and ironing board in each room. Keep in mind that suits should not be ironed. Dress pants can be ironed, but depending on the fabric, it is recommended to use a lower heat setting. Most dress shirts are made from cotton or linen. They can be ironed with no problem -even at high heat. When ironing your dress shirts, sprinkle some water on the fabric. The heat of the iron will steam-off the water causing even the toughest wrinkles to disappear.

3. Traveling with Neckties

Neckties are your most delicate pieces of clothes. They are usually made from finest silk, and cannot be ironed and should never be dry-cleaned. This means that preventing any wrinkles in first place is a must. To do this, fold your ties in half and store them between some soft clothes. Keep any sharp edges away from your ties as this can damage the fabric and can cause wrinkles. Rolling up your ties is another option. Start by rolling up the tie at the skinny end. Once rolled up, store the tie in one of your dress shoes.

4. Unpacking

Keep the time your clothes are in your suitcase to the minimum. No matter how tired you are from your travel, unpack your suit, dress shirts and ties as soon as you arrive. Hang them onto a hanger in a well-ventilated room. Chances are the clothes will look perfectly straight when you wake up in the morning.

About the Author

H Pohl is a passionate writer about men's fashion. Especially dress code tips and formal men's attire are his expertise. He is also founder of http://www.ties-necktie.com/, a retailer specializing in handmade neckties, bow ties, and cufflinks.

Taken from : http://www.goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=1214841

Minggu, 09 November 2008

Logo Designers - The 5 Point Plan To Designing A Stunning Logo

Sign of the times

Back in the seventies it was reasonable enough for logo designers to simply choose a fat bottomed psychadelic font, add a bit of glitter, stick on a few stars and hey presto you've got yourself a logo. These days clients are a little more discerning and demand you at least use felt tip pens or magic markers to colour in the fiddly bits. So how are things likely to look in ten years time? The canny logo designer always looks backwards as well as forwards and we wouldn't be surprised to see some of those retro fuzzy felt style logos making a reappearance come the year 2020

A call to action
When you see some of the most striking logos in the street what do they shout out to you? 'Buy Me!', 'I'm Lovely - Eat me!' or 'I am a serious looking company and far too important for the likes of you?' you see, every logo says something about us and how we go about our business. If you are really serious about getting your message accross then hit people with a big dumb no-brainer of a logo and you'll not go too far wrong.

Know your market - intimately
Market research is the be all and end all of whether your logo design is going to have an effect or not. To really know your market you've got to get inside the mind of the person you are looking to attract with your design. If you're designing a logo for a perfume manufacturer, try walking around a department store and allow yourself to be sprayed by the orange faced women on the cosmetics counter to truely get an inkling of their way of life. If you're designing a confectionary logo, act like a proper fatty and slob out on the settee stuffing your face with chocolate bars while watching the telly. Knowing your clientelle will pay dividends in the long run.

Search and you will find
Where to get inspiration from? Well it can come from many unusual places. If you've run the creative juices dry wracking your brains trying to think of a novel design for yet another dreary company logo, go and have a creative dump. The khazi may not be the first choice for the aspirational graphic designer but you'd be surprised at how many eureka moments have occurred while sat upon the porcelain straining the onions.

Create a superior broad-based secure protocol
What? I hear you ask. Well the 5th - some would say scraping the barrel - point to our logo design masterclass, is talking up your logo design using some interminable marketing speak garaunteed to fill airtime if not exactly making any sense. It's quite acceptable to offer a client a simple helvetica based typed logo design just as long as you can express to them the need for minimal juxtaposition among the ever increasing commercial based prioptic competition they are up against, while keeping a straight face. so there you have it. I think that's cleared things up. if there's any questions be sure to read the next exciting installment...Adios compadres

http://www.mindtap.co.uk Mindtap Graphic Design Resources is your single point entry into the http://www.lunatrix.co.uk UK creative industries . A unique site where you can access information on UK graphic design, http://www.cheap-design.co.uk logo design , brochure design, catalog design, flyer design and web design

Taken from : http://www.goarticles.net/articles/1842/1/Logo-Designers---The-5-Point-Plan-To-Designing-A-Stunning-Logo/Page1.html

Sabtu, 08 November 2008

Dressing For Job Interviews by Kelly Brink

Walking into a job interview wearing the wrong attire is like showing up at a black-tie event dressed for a Halloween show. A bad move you will instantly regret. To avoid losing the job before you open your mouth, it is important your wardrobe is well thought out and occasion appropriate.

For The Prefect Interview, You Will Need

* Tidy, neatly styled hair
* A clean face, hands, and fingernails
* A clean, professional outfit
* A briefcase or portfolio
* A pair of comfortable closed-toe shoes
* Small, tasteful jewelry (optional)
* A light and subtle perfume or aftershave (optional)
* A manicure (optional)
* Natural-looking makeup (optional)
* A new haircut (optional)

Step 1: Find out dress code

Before the big event, find out how the employees dress where you'll be interviewing. Ask whoever's arranging the interview for you what the dress code is, and if they have any pointers on what to wear.

Step 2: Choose clothes

Find something in your wardrobe that's in line with what other employees wear, but kick it up a notch--a sharp tie, a colorful scarf or pocket square. Something to separate you from the pack.

Step 3: Don't go overboard

But don't go overboard. You want to make a good impression, not a fashion statement.

Step 4: Keep it tasteful

Go easy on the aftershave and perfume, as well as the makeup and jewelry--keep things tasteful.

Step 5: Be neat

Be neat. Make sure your clothes are clean and pressed, and your hair and teeth are brushed.

Step 6: Dress comfortably

Make sure you'll be comfortable sitting, standing, and walking. Now is not the time to break in a new pair of shoes.

Step 7: Give yourself time

Get prepared early, show up on time and, most importantly, make sure you end up in the right place.

About the Author

Walking into a job interview wearing the wrong attire is like showing up at a black-tie event dressed for a Halloween show. A bad move you will instantly regret. To avoid losing the job before you open your mouth, it is important your wardrobe is well thought out and occasion appropriate.

Taken from : http://www.goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=1211358

Dressing For Job Interviews by Kelly Brink

Walking into a job interview wearing the wrong attire is like showing up at a black-tie event dressed for a Halloween show. A bad move you will instantly regret. To avoid losing the job before you open your mouth, it is important your wardrobe is well thought out and occasion appropriate.

For The Prefect Interview, You Will Need

* Tidy, neatly styled hair
* A clean face, hands, and fingernails
* A clean, professional outfit
* A briefcase or portfolio
* A pair of comfortable closed-toe shoes
* Small, tasteful jewelry (optional)
* A light and subtle perfume or aftershave (optional)
* A manicure (optional)
* Natural-looking makeup (optional)
* A new haircut (optional)

Step 1: Find out dress code

Before the big event, find out how the employees dress where you'll be interviewing. Ask whoever's arranging the interview for you what the dress code is, and if they have any pointers on what to wear.

Step 2: Choose clothes

Find something in your wardrobe that's in line with what other employees wear, but kick it up a notch--a sharp tie, a colorful scarf or pocket square. Something to separate you from the pack.

Step 3: Don't go overboard

But don't go overboard. You want to make a good impression, not a fashion statement.

Step 4: Keep it tasteful

Go easy on the aftershave and perfume, as well as the makeup and jewelry--keep things tasteful.

Step 5: Be neat

Be neat. Make sure your clothes are clean and pressed, and your hair and teeth are brushed.

Step 6: Dress comfortably

Make sure you'll be comfortable sitting, standing, and walking. Now is not the time to break in a new pair of shoes.

Step 7: Give yourself time

Get prepared early, show up on time and, most importantly, make sure you end up in the right place.

About the Author

Walking into a job interview wearing the wrong attire is like showing up at a black-tie event dressed for a Halloween show. A bad move you will instantly regret. To avoid losing the job before you open your mouth, it is important your wardrobe is well thought out and occasion appropriate.

Taken from : http://www.goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=1211358

Jumat, 07 November 2008

A Beginners Guide To Motorcyles by steven cask

A motorcycle is a single-track motor vehicle with two wheels, an internal combustion engine, and at least one cylinder. There are bikes to fit many lifestyles, including touring bikes for long road trips, "crotch rockets" for speed, and bikes for city traffic, cruising, etc. Motorbikes are inexpensive and readily available in many countries, making them a popular form of transportation.

Two German inventors, namely Wilhelm MayBach and Gottlieb Daimler were the first to design and build a motorbike in the year 1885 in Bad Cannstatt. However, if we consider a steam operated, two wheel motorbike, then the first such motorbike could be an American one that was built by Roxbury, Massachusetts-based Sylvester Howard Roper in 1867.

Hillenbrand & Wolf Muller became the first motorcycle available for purchase, in 1894. Then as the engines became more powerful and the designs outgrew the bicycle origins, the number of motorbike producers increased. Till the First World War, the largest motorcycle manufacturer in the world was Indian. By 1920, this honor went to Harley-Davidson and in 1928 DKW took over. After the Second World War, BSA Group became the largest producer. And from 1955 until the 1970s the German company NSU Motorenwerke AG held the position .Today, the Japanese manufacturers, Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, and Yamaha dominate.

To get a motorbike construction as desired by the designer, the engineering, manufacturing, and assembly of components and systems must be taken into account. The construction of contemporary mass-produced motorcycles uses a mostly standardized steel or aluminum frame, disc brakes, and telescopic forks to hold the front wheel. They usually have a one- to six-cylinder gasoline-powered engine.

Those motorbikes that have a short wheelbase, such as sport bikes, have the ability to generate enough torque at the drive wheel, and with enough stopping power at the front wheel will be able to lift the other wheel off the ground. This is commonly known as doing a wheelie and a stoppie respectively. If the driver gets too carried away to past the point of no return, it will cause an upset which is known as "looping" the vehicle.

We must also be aware that the motorbike fuel economy benefits from a relatively small mass of the vehicle, compared to the passengers and to the other motor vehicles, and the subsequent small engine displacement. Riding style has a large effect on fuel economy: some riders report being able to double fuel economy by using low accelerations and lower speeds than usual, although this is the extreme case.

About the Author

As an avid motorcyclist for over 35 years riding all different types of motorcycles, dirt bikes, sport bikes, cruisers and touring bikes. My many miles of riding in all kinds of weather and conditions gives me extensive expertise in the field of motorcycles , motorcycle motorcycle clothing and accessories.

taken from : http://www.goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=738906

Turning Your Kids Into A Home eBay Business by Vickie Sayce

Taken from : http://www.goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=1211162

Did you ever think that you could stay at home with your children - and turn your children into a profit? No, I'm not talking about selling your children on the black market! But your kids likely have a large amount of clothes that they no longer fit in to, old toys that they no longer play with, and other gear laying around the house that is just collecting dust. If you ever catch yourself complaining about the clutter of toys that your children never play with, or wincing at the amount of almost brand-new clothing sitting in your children's closet that they never wear, it's time to turn your children's old stuff into a home business.

Using eBay, you can create a home business that allows you to stay at home with your children, and get rid of the clutter around your house at the same time. To get started selling on eBay, simply sign up for a seller's account with your current username. Enter in your personal information, your address, and your bank account or credit card information, and within minutes you can get started with selling on eBay.

Once your account is ready to go, have your children round up all of their old clothes, toys, and games. Check each item to make sure it is in good quality condition. Then, use a digital camera to photograph each item. For toys and games, you may want to enlist the help of your children to show you how it works. Then, you can take photographs of the item in use, giving your bidders a better idea of what they are buying.

When your photographs are ready to go, it's time to start listing! You can list as many items as you want on eBay, but you may want to start with just ten or twenty until you get the hang of selling. Make sure to list everything about the item that you can think of, and specify the quality of the item. If it is used, make sure you let your bidders know this. If the item is missing parts, has stains, or doesn't come with all of its original pieces, make note of this in your auctions as well. It's always better to err on the side of caution by offering your buyers too much information, than to accidentally leave an important piece of information out and have an unhappy buyer.

As your children get older, you will continue to have a steady flow of clothes, toys, and games that you can list on eBay to make some of your money back. While you may not be able to make a complete profit, or even break even on the things you have previously purchased, you will certainly be able to make more money than you would at a garage sale or consignment shop. And, if it was just laying around the house, it wasn't doing you any good, anyway. So why not use your children's old toys and clothes for something profitable, and start selling them off on eBay?

About the Author

If you want to make money on eBay while still raising the kids, visit http://AuctionPaydayKidsPlay.com to find out how. Vickie Sayce teaches others how to get started on eBay, and has been buying and selling on eBay since 2001. She has written a very informative book on starting an eBay business to make money from home while raising the kids.

Sabtu, 13 September 2008

Belajar menerima orang lain.

Tetanggaku mengaku belajar dari aku (yang juga masih belajar dari Tuhan lewat kebaktian2 di gereja) : "Saya ingin seperti pak Yos, BISA MENERIMA ORANG LAIN... dan MENIKMATI HIDUP APA ADANYA."

Belajar menerima orang lain.

Tetanggaku mengaku belajar dari aku (yang juga masih belajar dari Tuhan lewat kebaktian2 di gereja) : "Saya ingin seperti pak Yos, BISA MENERIMA ORANG LAIN... dan MENIKMATI HIDUP APA ADANYA."

Rabu, 10 September 2008

Senin, 01 September 2008


A money case with SPIDER-MAN (and Tweety) found at our "Indonesian Indepedence Day Celebration" in my neighbourhood.

BUT that lovely SPIDER-MAN... not for meeee....

A SPIDER-BOY cosplay (number 3)

A boy with his SPIDER-MAN SUIT, at our "Independence Day" (Indonesian Indepedence Day).

You may click here to see all pictures!

Spider-man SNACK Covers

A front cover and back cover from SPIDER-MAN SNACK.

Spider-man SNACK Covers

A front cover and back cover from SPIDER-MAN SNACK.

Selasa, 26 Agustus 2008

SuperYoss with SPIDER-BOY

While waiting our country celebration event, I take picture with a SPIDER-BOY (a boy with his SPIDER-MAN uniform) with his grandfahter.

Senin, 25 Agustus 2008



At 02.00 PM, we start to celeberate our INDEPEDENCE DAY with TRADITIONAL CARNIVAL.

This picture was a group of our 'traditional musicians' with the dancer in front of their rows. Every member at each block from our neighbourhood take part of this celebrations.

Morning Event - TROPODO

To celebrate our INDEPEDENCE DAY, we gathered at our park to start a "HEALTHY WALK AROUND OUR NEIBOURHOOD".

Almost all our villagers gathered together with all their family (grandfather, grandmother, father-mother, son, etc.) and waiting to START to walk together.

Jumat, 22 Agustus 2008

Yellow and Purple

Dots and STripes

With the stickers or paint decoration, combined together, dots and stripes.

Horse Painting

Some horses run away, at the painting style (or airbrush?) decorated bus!

Red Wave

A red wave style for bus!

Bird and stripes

A bird-like stripes at bus.

Water Style

A 'water-style' bus decoration.

BATMAN - Decorated Bus

Rabu, 20 Agustus 2008


Welcome to my home : KEPUH PERMAI.

Food Court - WARUNG

A soccer field at day, with some "food court" (warung).


A traditional food seller, waiting for his customer in the night.